Monday, October 9, 2023

SEC Classic Standings

From the CBS Rankings:

2.  Georgia:  6-0
12.  Alabama:  5-1
15.  Mississippi:  5-1
21.  Tennessee:  4-1
22.  Louisiana St:  4-2
23.  Kentucky:  5-1
34.  Florida:  4-2
43.  Auburn:  3-2
59.  Mississippi St:  3-3
91.  Vanderbilt:  2-4

Here are the other leaders of the Classic Conferences:

ACC:  N. Carolina (11) (Duke is 14)
Big 10:  Michigan (1) (Ohio St. is 4)
Big 8:  Oklahoma (6) (Mizzou is next at 25)
Southwest:  Texas (9) (Tex A & M is next at 29)
Pac 10:  Washington (5) (Oregon is 7; USC is 10)
Western Athletic:  Utah (20) (Air Force is 24)

That gives us the following bowl games:

Rose:  (1) Michigan v. (5) Washington
Sugar:  (2) Georgia v. (4) Ohio St.
Orange:  (6) Oklahoma v. (3) Florida St.
Cotton:  (9) Texas v. (8) Penn St.
Fiesta:  (10) USC v. (13) Louisville

Oregon gets Utah in the Holiday Bowl.  Alabama gets North Carolina in the Gator Bowl.  Ole Miss gets Duke in the Peach Bowl.  Tennessee gets Notre Dame in the Tangerine Bowl.  LSU gets Wisconsin in the Liberty Bowl.  Kentucky gets Maryland in the Hall of Fame Bowl.  Texas A & M gets UCLA in the Astro-Bluebonnet Bowl.  Washington State gets Air Force in the Sun Bowl.

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