Monday, July 17, 2023

MLB Update

My only real questions for the MLB Regular Season are:  (1) Will the Nats win at least 40 percent of their games? and (2) Will the A's win more than 25 percent of their games?  As of today, it's looking really close:

Washington:  37-56 (winning percentage of .398)
Oakland:  25-70 (winning percentage of .263)

In other news, the Twins are probably going to the playoffs, even though every single team in the AL East has a better record than every team in the AL Central.


  1. I've been reading the 1978 edition of The Complete Handbook of Baseball edited by Zander Hollander. (My intellectual curiosity sprawls all the way from sports in 1976 to sports in 1978.) This edition calls the A's just "A's," with no city assigned to them. Hollander had an editor's note on the A's section that the sale of the team and move from Oakland to Denver "had not been formally approved." I didn't intentionally pick out this edition to be reading during this time in A's history, but it has been a fitting nighttime-reading backdrop to the era. I'm rooting for that Oakland mayor and the team to be sold and the "Sell!" fans out there to win and keep their team. Whatever, though, it'd be fun for the rest of my life to just call them "A's" wherever they end up having a home field.

  2. I bought a preview magazine for the 1978 season that referred to the A's as "Denver," because they believed that the sale was going through. I should have saved it, but I did not.

  3. Update here:

    Washington: 49-63 (.438)
    Oakland: 32-80 (.286)
