Thursday, October 13, 2016

Oh, Kentucky

Kentucky Monthly with its October issue has opened a series, "The Price of Coal," and the first part by Rod Soodhalter is very, very good. And eBay has a grim picture for sale with the following evocative cutline ...

Kentucky's Jim Beam workers may be going on strike.

WKU moved its Major Redz dance team because of security concerns following its national-anthem protest at the Hilltoppers' Oct. 1 football game.

Silas House is coming home. "The first piece of writing I ever had published was in 1982 when the Olympic torch passed through Laurel County on its way to Los Angeles. Back then they had runners carry the torch all the way across the nation, and people lined up all down US 25 to watch the torch pass. I was so moved by the experience that I went home and wrote a little essay about it and it was published in the Sentinel Echo. They paid me five dollars. I was 11. I spent the money on a Star Wars action figure."

"Special consideration will be given to ornaments featuring Paducah’s history, landmarks, name, etc."

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