Thursday, December 2, 2010

Album Review: Nothing Like This by Rascal Flatts

Nothing Like ThisSince 2000 Rascal Flatts has had 10 number 1 country hits.  They have landed 24 in the top 10.  If this were 1980 no one would call Rascal Flatts a country band.  They would have been right there with bands like 38 Special and REO Speedwagon, but today they are considered country, and they are very successful. 

Their sound is very upbeat pop that revolves around bright harmonies and a layered studio band sound.  If you like Rascal Flatts then you'll like this album.  They certainly aren't breaking any new ground.  If you are like me and you don't care for Rascal Flatts or their sound you won't like this album because they aren't breaking any new ground. 

If I were at Target and they were playing this album in the background I wouldn't flee the store. 

Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 1 out of 5 stars for Just OK.


  1. Love the review. I like seeing you review music I've heard, and I really like the line about not fleeting Target.

    I actually think this music might have been able to pass as crossover country 30 years ago; it's not that different from stuff that groups like Alabama were doing.

    I like this sound a lot better than you do, and I'm not surprised it's very popular. I would also argue that one of the points of country music is that it values working within a tradition over being a lone genius who's trying to break new ground. And that's fine with me. T.S. Eliot thought the best art grew out of a living tradition, and I think he's largely correct.

  2. the line about not fleeing target is inspired.

    i agree about the crossover stuff. i watched Keith Urban perform during halftime of one of the thanksgiving nfl games and thought to myself that the song probably would've been the biggest pop-radio hit of my senior year in high school.
