Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Best of the 70's: My Aim is True by Elvis Costello

My Aim Is TrueComing in at number 63 on the Best of the 70's list is this debut album released in 1977.  With this debut Costello established his own sound.  He blended classic Buddy Holly style rock with punk.  The melodies and the sound are pure early rock.  The lyrical content is pure punk.  It's an interesting combination and when Costello nails it he really taps into something special.  Take for example "Welcome to the Working Week" or "Alison."

I know people who have come into Costello at different parts of his career and don't know this early stuff at all.  If that's the case then you really need to put this album on and give it a listen.  You'll be amazed to think he could ever follow this up with anything that could match it.  You can always throw this album on in the background while you clean the house or drive around town, but it's best if you are in a frame of mind to actually listen.

Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 3 out of 5 stars for Pretty Good.

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