Monday, March 7, 2011

Best of the 70's: Crime of the Century by Supertramp

Crime Of The CenturySitting at number 73 on the Best of the 70's list is this 1974 release, the oddest choice on the list so far.  First I don't believe, and I think the majority of people don't believe this is their best album that would be Breakfast in America from 1979.  Second, I'm amazed it is as low at number 73 on the list.

This album was Supertramp's big breakthrough album.  The first where they fully integrated pop with their progressive rock to create the sound that would produce hits like "Dreamer."  To my mind that's about the extent of this album. 

It would be a good album for background music while you work on balancing your checkbook.

Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 1 out of 5 stars for Just OK. 

1 comment:

  1. I love "Dreamer." I was very happy to see this clip.
