Thursday, January 27, 2011

Album Review: Showroom of Compassion by Cake

Showroom Of CompassionThese guys have been around for 17 years, this is their first album in 7 years.  If you liked Cake back in1996 when they had their big hit "The Distance" then you'll like this album.  They have kept true to their sound and listening to this album it feels like the 90s. 

There are some very catchy tunes on this album, "Long Time" is a good example, but to me the album is top heavy, dragging a bit near the end. 

Still it's a fairly solid album and if you want a throwback to the the mid 90s I'd say throw this one on.  I could see playing this while walking to work.

Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 2 out of 5 stars for Not Bad.


  1. My wife is a Cake fan and will be glad to get the news that they are back.

  2. I'm a big fan of "Comfort Eagle" and "Short Skirt, Long Jacket."
