Monday, September 18, 2023

SEC Classic Standings

 With the new CBS rankings coming out today, the Classic SEC now looks like this:

1.  Georgia:  3-0
12.  Louisiana St:  2-1
15.  Alabama:  2-1
16.  Mississippi:  3-0
22.  Tennessee:  2-1
28.  Kentucky:  3-0
30.  Florida:  2-1
35.  Auburn:  3-0
50.  Mississippi St:  2-1
81.  Vanderbilt:  2-2

Here are the leaders of the other major conferences:

ACC:  Duke (17)
Big 10:  Michigan (2)
Big 8:  Oklahoma (14)
Southwest:  Texas (4)
Pac 10:  Washington (5)
Western Athletic:  Utah (11)

The projected classic bowl games now look like this:

Rose:  Michigan (2) v. Washington (5)
Sugar:  Georgia (1) v. Ohio St. (6)
Orange:  Oklahoma (14) v. Florida St. (3)
Cotton:  Texas (4) v. Notre Dame (9)
Fiesta:  U.S.C. (7) v. Penn St. (8)

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