Tuesday, February 14, 2012

One From Russia

Sergei Esenin (1910)  He would have been 15

Scarlet rays the rising sun weaves into the lake.
Woodcocks, wailing on the boughs, pinewood echoes wake.

There's a weeping oriole hidden in a tree.
I alone don't wish to weep—all is fine with me.

Down the road at eventide you shall come, I know.
In the nearest rick we'll sit with fresh hay below.

I shall kiss you till you swoon, crush you like a bloom.
When a fellow's drunk with joy for reason there's no room.

You'll respond to my caress, cast your veil away,
I shall bear you to the bushes, there till dawn we'll stay.

Let the woodcocks loud and long weep their fill and mourn!
There's a merry wistfulness in the scarlet dawn.

(Peter Tempest) http://sergey.esenin.in.english.land.ru/poetry3.html

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