Thursday, October 20, 2011

UK Ranked Number 1 in Pre-Season Poll

The rifle poll, that is. As you recall, UK is the defending NCAA rifle champion.

Which poll did you think I meant?

The rifle poll, by the way, provides a fascinating picture of Red State America. Kentucky may or may not be the best state when it comes to basketball, but we are clearly the best rifle state:

1. Kentucky
2. Texas Christian
3. W. Virginia
4. Alaska-Fairbanks
5. Murray State
6. Jacksonville State
7. Army
8. Mississippi
9. Air Force
10. Ohio State
11. Navy
12. Nebraska
13. UTEP
14. Nevada
15. Memphis
16. Columbus (Ga.) State
17. Akron
18. N. Carolina State
19. UT-Martin
20. Morehead State


  1. In one episode of The Andy Griffith Show, a guy released from jail comes back to give Andy a rifle as a thank-you gift for having arrested him and helping get his life on the straight and narrow. I always think that's so interesting to see because it's not like we were ever going to see Joey give Chandler a pistol for his birthday.

  2. For what it's worth, I would rather have TCU in the SEC than Missouri.
