Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Unofficial College Football Championship

AP has Oklahoma as its number 1 team to start the season. But it should be remembered that Auburn still holds the Unofficial College Football Championship. To determine the holder of the UCFC, you start with the very first college football game, back in 1869, when Princeton played Rutgers. The winner of that game was the first Unofficial College Football Champion, and it kept the title until it was beaten. Then that team was Champion until it was beaten, and so on.

If you continue tracing those results through 141 years of college football history, you will see that Auburn took the title on December 4, 2010, when they beat South Carolina 56-17 in the SEC Championship game. The Tigers successfully defended their title in the BCS Championship Game against Oregon, so they still have it. You can find all the details here.

Auburn will be putting its title on the line at 12 PM, E.D.T. when the Tigers will take on the Aggies of Utah State. My guess is that Utah State will not be taking the title back to Logan, but wouldn't it be exciting if they did?

1 comment:

  1. It was so great when UK held the UCFC for a week last season.
