Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Stamping Ground Back on the Food Network

It's time for another shout-out to Heather Priest of Stamping Ground, Kentucky. The last time we checked on Heather (a private chef and cooking instructor in Connecticut), she had won $10,000 on SmartGirl's favorite TV show, Chopped. In case you don't recall, the set-up here is that four chefs battle against each other. First, they get a basket of ingredients from which they make an appetizer -- after which the three judges eliminate one chef. Then, they get another basket of ingredients for use in an entree -- after which a second chef is eliminated. Finally, the two remaining chefs get a third basket and make dessert -- after which the judges pick a winner. The baskets are always full of goofy ingredients like "antelope" or weird vegetables and fish that most folks have never heard of.

Since Heather won in her last appearance, she was invited to participate in Chopped Champions; a special series in which former winners compete with each other. If she had won the episode that aired last night, she would have advanced to the final with a chance to win $50,000.

We thought she did very well. She had little trouble getting through the appetizer -- especially since one of the other competitors ran out of time before he could put all of the required ingredients on the plates he served the judges. So he was eliminated. In the entree section (which involved antelope), the judges thought Heather's meal was quite tasty, but they also liked the meals prepared by the other two competitors. Ultimately, the judges decided that Heather should have prepared a sauce for her dish, and so they chopped her. The two remaining contestants then made a complete hash of the dessert portion of the show, which vindicated my view (shared by SmartGirl) that Heather should have been chosen to keep going after the entree. I still think she was the strongest competitor of the four. It should also be pointed out that while her male competitors were wasting their time in ludicrous trash-talking -- and even getting into arguments with the judges -- Heather's behavior on-screen was beyond reproach.

But life is not always fair. All you can do is give it your best shot, produce work worthy of your talents, and behave yourself. So we salute Heather Priest again, and we hope her business flourishes.

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