Monday, August 22, 2011

Made in U.S.A.: 12" Non-Stick Skillet

Nordic Ware Pro Cast 12 Inch Saute SkilletIt was a sad day recently when I realized that I needed to replace our big non-stick skillet.  It's been getting heavy use in our house for the past ten years and was a great skillet.  As always I set out to find a replacement that is made in the U.S.A. and happily I did find one. 

It is made by Nordic Ware.  Nordic Ware is based in Minneapolis Minnesota and has been producing cookware for over 60 years.  I got their 12" Pro Cast Saute Skillet along with their 12" Universal Stainless Steel Lid. 

I've bought some of their stuff in the past, like a bunt pan, and have been very happy with them, so hopefully this skillet will be as loved by me as my last one. 

Not 100% of Nordic Ware's products are made in the U.S.A., so if that's important to you I'd look for them in a cooking store and check where the product is manufactured.  For instance their 12" Universal Glass Lid is made in China.  Shame they couldn't have found a U.S. based manufacturer to produce those lids for them. 

1 comment:

  1. i love non-stick skillets. i was just recently reading an old better homes & gardens where they were talking about the u.s. availability (finally) of non-stick skillets that everyone had been hearing so much about from sweden, etc. i plan to write a bit about this story in one of my planned, upcoming previews of Christmas.
