Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Album Review: Destroyed by Moby

Destroyed (Amazon Exclusive Version)This is getting very close to ambiance music.  In fact that's how I would describe it.  Apparently the album was put together while on the road touring and reflects his tired, exhausted frame of mind at night after putting on a show.  The album is much more about developing that sense of feeling and place more than it is about any content. 

In a very subdued way it works, but I think of a tired and exhausted frame of mind as being anything but subdued.  To me where the album fails is it does not reflect the nervous energy, anxiety, exhaustion, and exhilaration that I think of as accompanying such a state of mind.  Who knows though maybe this is meant to be the music you play after you've been out dancing with your friends, you've been to the late night diner to have breakfast and now you're home on the brink of passing out; far past that point where your mind and your body has anything left. 

This would probably be a good album to nap to.

Following the Rhapsody rating method I give it 1 out of 5 stars for Just OK.

1 comment:

  1. I find this song very appealing. I think I've pretty much liked everything I've ever heard of Moby's.
