Saturday, February 19, 2011

Kentucky 22 - 4 S. Carolina (11:42 left in 1st half)

Number3Son and I are enjoying this game so far. This is what it looks like when we're hot and the other team is cold. UK is 4-4 from three-point range, while the Gamecocks are 0-5. It is very nice to see the other team miss for a change.


  1. Kentucky 34 - 12 S. Carolina (6:44 left in 1st half)

    So far, this is the best half of basketball we've seen from UK all year. Miller is shooting the lights out -- he is already 4-4 from 3-point range. Of course, they looked this good against LSU, and then struggled on the road.

    Meanwhile, Number3Son is learning to dribble with his left hand. He's doing very well.

  2. Kentucky 41 - 15 S. Carolina (4:55 left in 1st half)

    The SEC Network -- also known as the DMV of broadcasting -- is down with technical difficulties, but the Cats continue to roll.

  3. Kentucky 43 - 15 S. Carolina (3:57 left in 1st half)

    By the way, here's a shout out to John Wall who had 22 assists in the rookies vs. sophomores NBA All-Star Game last night -- and to Big Cuz, who had 33 points. I hope the Wizards will see this is what they could do if they were on the same team.

  4. We won't know until they go back out on the road, but I do want to give a shout out to my main man, Darius Miller, who has obviously played more aggressively since passing up that end-of-the-game open shot at Florida a few weeks ago. Twenty-year-old me would've crawled in a hole. Go, Darius, and go, UK.

    And go, Number3Son. I still can't dribble well with my left hand.

  5. So glad to see Kyle Macy in the booth for the SEC studio show.

  6. Kentucky 50 - 21 (Halftime)

    Up here, the big story is that the Number3Sons and the Daddies played a basketball game out in the hall. The Daddies had the ball for the last shot, but the Number3Sons played tough defense and the clock ran out for an 8-6 Number3Sons victory.

  7. Congratulations, Number3Sons.

    There is no Nerf hooping during today's game, as Virginia is sidelined by bronchiolitis. We hope to have her back and up to 100 percent in time for the SEC tournament.

  8. Kentucky 55 - 32 S. Carolina (16:55 left in 2d half)

    Carolina has scored 9 points in a row, so UK has called time.

  9. While I watch the game, the Number3Sons are in the hall playing a game against an invisible team called "the Professors." At the half, the Number3Sons are winning 24-3.

  10. The Number3Sons finished off the Professors for a 39-9 victory.

  11. Kentucky 90 - 59 S. Carolina (Final) (No. 2,042)

    Well, this game vindicates Ken Pomeroy to some extent. If his methodology is correct, UK was due for a blowout victory, and they got one today. Carolina was only 6-24 from 3-point range -- the first time the Cats have seen that kind of shooting for awhile, and UK responded with a 31-point victory. In its last four games, UK has scored 73, 77, 85, and 90 points. So everything is evening out a bit.

    From here on out, each UK game will be the most important game of the year, starting with Wednesday night's game in Arkansas. I think we have to assume the Razorbacks will be very, very tough to beat -- and I always worry whenever UK has to play while so many of its fans are in church.
