Friday, November 5, 2010

Oh, Kentucky

The Telegraph reports that Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsular is claiming responsibility for the Sept. 23 cargo-plane crash in Dubai that killed a Prospect man.

It turns out that Madisonville's terrific mayor, Will Cox, isn't the only person to lose his job (if only indirectly) because of Kentucky's U.S. Senate race.

Meanwhile, Andy Barr has thrown the red challenge flag on The Heath Post's perfect record in predicting the Kentucky's federal races.

Speaking of former Paducah Sun writers, ...

Bidding is open until Nov. 12, and that giant E would look fantastic affixed to the top of my house.

1 comment:

  1. Andy Barr is wasting his time. The HP's record will stand.

    Eleanor would also really like that giant E.
